Sunday, June 29, 2014

Angelton Week 2 June 16

I absolutely love missionary work and absolutely hate being sick.

This week I caught the most disgusting cold I have ever had. I was coughing up my lungs all week and even lost my voice for a little while. The good thing about this was that I have an awesome companion and an awesome ward so they made sure I had plenty of meds and support. We worked hard this week and talked to a lot of people even though Sister Tauasa did most of the talking. In the end we found 5 new investigators and have 4 baptism dates set! It is crazy how when you trust God he can really work miracles. This is not our work.. we are just the un-perfect, often sickly, instruments that get to participate in this wonder work. He loves me so much that He gave me all that I needed to accomplish my desires despite my setbacks. 

I know this is exactly what he does for each of us. He loves us so much that he will support us in whatever our desires are. He tells us over and over again what the best desires are, but he will never force us to follow Him. He only invites and then supports whatever decision we make. :) 

So last week for P-day Sister Tauasa and I ended up getting done with everything pretty fast and so we went to the church to play games with our Zone. We ended up playing a game called Scatter-Ball. It is basically doge ball, but everyone is against everyone else. We ended up having such a good time that we played that game almost non stop for 2HOURS! haah It was so much fun and we were just loving every minute of it. The only downfall of this was that the next day my companion and I were so sore it was hard to move!!! hah We spent Tuesday and Wednesday trying our best to never stop moving, because when we would sit down and have to stand back up it was almost impossible... as a result we talked to a bunch of people!! haah :P It was definitely a miracle in disguise...

Speaking of miracles in disguise.. 

This week we were visiting a Less active and when we left we had to turn the car around. Well I didn't want to have Sister Tauasa have to get out of the car to back the car up (mission rule) so I decided I would try to make it. We almost made it.. but we hit a pile of leaves and made them go everywhere in the process.... haha So being the upstanding citizens that we try to be we got out and made the pile look like a pile again. This took a good 5-7 mins or so, but in that time our investigator Bea.. (short for Beatrice) pulled up!! She had broken her phone and so we hadn't been able to get a hold of her! We were able to set another appointment and ask her how her reading was going! She is awesome!! If I hadn't have tried to turn around and had the leaf set back we would have missed that opportunity!!    hah we had a good laugh about that one. 

This is Sister Tauasa.. (it rhymes with Mufasa) Tah-wah-sah 
making eggplant chicken and noodles! It was delicious! 

Fun times in the car!! 


We are doing great!!

-Sister Earl

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