Oi lovely people!
A week from today I will be heading to the mission office to have an interview with President Ashton and then the next day I will be transferred to a new area called home. :P I don't know much about it, but everyone says it is a great place filled with people to love and teach. hah I hear it is different than anywhere I have served so far, but that is it where I am needed at this time so I am getting prepared to leave the things I have grown to love and embrace my new area... :) It will be good.
This last week was exciting and completely unexpected. On top of getting a completely new area we were given a third companion. Hermana Parra who was serving in the Spanish Branch (who also was in my ward at BYU.. cool right?) went home on the 25th so her companion Hermana Hubbard was asked to be with Sister McBride and I until she could get a new companion at transfers.
On Saturday the Spanish Branch had a beach party so guess what?? We got to go and see the Gulf of Mexico! (Don't worry we didn't get in the water!! ahah we just got to
see it and listen to the waves!)

All of the houses near the beach are on stilts and they are all crazy colors. This is a lot like how the houses look on Galveston Island too only most of them on the Island are more than one color! They are so happy and fun looking!

It was suuuper windy, but still super humid! It was so weird.

Maria Barraza, Hermana Hubbard, ME, and Sister McBride

Well just to close I would like to bear my testimony. I know that God lives. He is involved and He really cares about our lives. Sometimes He gives us hard things so that we can become something more than we now are. Sometimes He lets us know he is there when we least expect it and sometimes we need to really let our souls reach up to heaven to feel his light and grace. He uses us to help those around us and often the blessings we seek come as we learn to not focus on ourselves. Our Savior is the light that helps us see our weaknesses and how we can be better. He is the cure to all of our heart aches. He understands because He has been there. He has felt what is feels like to be me, Sister Earl. He knows the people I have loved and gotten to know here. He knows the way I feel as I teach people the truth. He knows the pure joy of seeing them understand and then how I am crushed when they don't. He fills me with hope for the future and patience in my weakness. He fills me with joy I can't explain. There is really no way to express the things in my heart.
We decided we needed to meditate... and then this happened.. :)
All of the houses near the beach are on stilts and they are all crazy colors. This is a lot like how the houses look on Galveston Island too only most of them on the Island are more than one color! They are so happy and fun looking!
It was suuuper windy, but still super humid! It was so weird.
Maria Barraza, Hermana Hubbard, ME, and Sister McBride
It was so much fun to be with the Spanish Branch. We got to play some football and volleyball and just jabber in some Spanish-Portuguese. On of the members even brought some of the "Cana" or sugar cane that they have outside their house so we got to try it! It was super good! You just bite it and suck the sugary stuff out but you don't eat the cane. hah It was good, but interesting!
So we are still with Hermana Hubbard, but in a couple hours she will get a new companion so we will be back to just the two of us. I love love love Hermana Hubbard so it will be a little sad not getting to be companions with her longer.
I just found out today as well that I will be able to go to the Houston Temple for the last time this next Friday!! I am overly excited to go and be with all the missionaries that will be transferred "home" with me. It will be a great time to reflect on how much I have learned and really thank God for my experiences as a missionary.
On of the other missionaries asked me if I was going to take a "dying" picture. (When missionaries go home they call it dying) I didn't really think about it until I had this Banana Spider staring at me when we were coming in the library to email. So then I thought, yes. This will be my dying picture. Being eaten by the ridiculous bugs here in Texas!! (These things are everywhere!! and they are HUGE)
Well just to close I would like to bear my testimony. I know that God lives. He is involved and He really cares about our lives. Sometimes He gives us hard things so that we can become something more than we now are. Sometimes He lets us know he is there when we least expect it and sometimes we need to really let our souls reach up to heaven to feel his light and grace. He uses us to help those around us and often the blessings we seek come as we learn to not focus on ourselves. Our Savior is the light that helps us see our weaknesses and how we can be better. He is the cure to all of our heart aches. He understands because He has been there. He has felt what is feels like to be me, Sister Earl. He knows the people I have loved and gotten to know here. He knows the way I feel as I teach people the truth. He knows the pure joy of seeing them understand and then how I am crushed when they don't. He fills me with hope for the future and patience in my weakness. He fills me with joy I can't explain. There is really no way to express the things in my heart.
This gospel is true. :)
I love this work.
-Sister Earl